Invest with us

Join like-minded investors and buy your own share of a multifamily property. We've got a solid track record of investments across the U.S. and are constantly on the lookout for individuals who'd like to put their money to work in this stable and profitable asset class.

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Financial Future

Guarantee steady income in your retirement.  Or, get set for your early retirement or financial independence.  90% of self-made millionaires used real estate as their vehichle to wealth.  You can too.

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Burning Questions

Eager to get into multifamily real estate but don't know where to begin? We have a podcast dedicated to elevating your knowledge about this asset class.  Listen to the High Yield Real Estate Investing Podcast

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Since 1993

Why Invest in Real Estate?


Have you ever seen your stock portfolio take a huge dip and wonder why?  Or have you lived through a few Wall Street downturns and wondered how half your retirement savings could disappear in a week or two?  Real Estate doesn't move as fast as your stock portfolio does. You can have complete control over what you invest in versus just the dozen mutual funds you 401k has.

Taxes.  Real Estate has many advantages over your stock portfolio.  In most cases, you can defer or not owe any taxes for years on a property.


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